Titanium Zinc Composite Panel is a kind of new high-grade construction
materials,taking titanium zinc plate as its face plate,aluminum as rear plate
and high-pressure low density polythene(LDPE)as core materials.It combines
Zinc plate characteristics(metallic feeling,self-healing,long life and good
plastidty,etc.with the advantages of smooth good,high flexural resistance.It
is the combination of dlassical art and modem technology.
In earty days,the Titanium Zinc Composite panel looks natural new blue grey
from far view,but a simple natural metal near.As time passed,the surface of
Trtanium Zinc Composite panel will gradually form a layer of dense hard
carponate ainc corosion,preventing the panel from further corrosion.Even it
some sratch and flaw ocaurs,it will disappear completely in this evoluton
process.It is the ideal decorative materials for buildings that need a stong
natural feeling,especially suitable for buildings full of natural and histoncal
aunosphere, adding distinctive alamour to the modem and dassical
dritecture.ith good strenath and rigidity.the panel can resist strong wi
an la ouer severe weather.Owina to the good plasticity and easy processing
stallauon,it is helpful for 3D modeling and can adapt to vanous layo
qurements.This kind of panel satisfies the desianers'rich imaginao
creative inspiration.