Alucoone A2 FR amunum composite panel is a new tvpe of pon-combustible construction material.mhrough advarked tecnnologes.r.panecoy
coues tre non-combusuble inorganic plastic core and the fluorocarbon coated aluminum alloy.With its fashionable appearance.e
peTTomance and easy installation advantage,it becomes more and more widely used as a new generation of wall decoraoon matenas.
whne retaining the good features of normal ACP and FR ACP,the A2 FR aluminum composite panel also performs supenior in the aspeut of hre
retardance.environmental-friendly as well as strength,stiffness and flatness.
Through unique processing means and sclentific technologies,the A2 FR aluminum composite panel successfully combines the inorganic
fire-retardant materials in an organic way.Therefore,it realizes both a beautiful outlook and the function of fire retardance.smoke prevention and
damp resistance.The panel thickness ranges from 3mm to 4mm.It is non-ignitable under 1000C and non-meitable under 1200 C,of which the
ather ainain wall materials are not comparable.In terms of normal ACP.lts plastic core is made of fammable polyethylene and easy to get bumed.
Even tor the class E FR ACP,it only improves the ignition point.its meiting point is about 112-140 C.When reaching to 300Cit will decomoose
and combust,causing fire accident.